Celebrating the Dead Ritual

With Halloween approaching as well as Dia de los Muertos, I wanted to share a ritual for “los difuntos” (those who have passed).

I feel that nowadays most people don’t like talking about death. Ancient civilizations honored, and celebrated death. Some traditions still remain like that of Dia de los Muertos in Mexico and in most Latin America, Nov 2nd is a day to remember love ones that have passed, visit their grave, and offer flowers.

Out of all the flowers offered, there’s one that stands out and that’s Marigold. The beautiful orange and sometimes yellow marigold, tagete erecta is the scientific name also known as cempasuchil (in Nahualt Aztec language) or Aztec and African marigold. Marigold has many uses and benefits but today we will focus in a ritual to celebrate the dead.

To celebrate the loves ones that have passed we are creating an altar, where we make an ofrenda (offering). On the altar we are putting pictures of our passed loved ones, their favorite objects such as toys, foods, also we put candles, and the beautiful cempasuchil.

Marigold has a very strong aroma that has been believed to guide the dead souls home. Cempasuchil energetically helps with grieving and pain which is why is essential in an altar for the passed loved ones. The color of the marigold is a symbol of the sun and its vibrancy and bringing light into the darkness.

Celebrating those who have passed is about the joy of living. It’s about understanding the cycles of life and the transition from the physical to ethereal. Sitting in admiration and remembrance is what this ritual is about and having element from nature such as the beautiful marigold makes it all so much easier to endure.

Let me know how you celebrate your passed loved ones.