When You Feel like a Burden

When you are suffering from Endometriosis often times it can feel like you are a burden.

A burden not only to those around you but even yourself! It can feel like you are a burden emotionally, physically, and even more so financially. See my post about it HERE.

Most women with endometriosis can agree that having an incurable disease can be very daunting and exhausting. Emotionally you don’t feel like yourself, you feel as if your body is fighting itself (hence the belief of endo being an autoimmune disease). Physically you don’t have the energy to do most simple daily tasks without feeling fatigued. Financially is where you feel it the most as I explained in this post, having endometriosis can be costly. 

Being a burden is a thought that is very common to a woman suffering from endometriosis, especially if you have a significant other which in a way you feel you hold them back. There have been times when I wanted to go to a concert or event with my husband and I had to cancel or lose the tickets because I was in pain. In times of surgeries or procedures where we can’t do much and we need to get help, it does feel like we are a burden because most of the things that need to be done we can do ourselves in any other circumstances. It is understandable that if they are someone that loves you they will be right by you but at the same time, this condition has a way to screw you up emotionally and you feel like a load to those around. 

I’m here to tell you that if you are feeling like a burden, please rest a sure is normal but you don’t have to stay in that state forever. The people around you that truly love you will endure anything with you and anyone that makes you feel like a burden, sorry to break it to you but it’s time for you to let them go! 

Have you felt like you are a burden at times? Share below!



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