Smudging and Blessing Herbs Rituals

Nowadays, is very common to see the plants white Sage and Palo Santo being use as a blessing herb for smudging and clearing. In fact, because of their widely use and over harvesting, these plants are becoming threatened along with resins such as frankincense and myrrh.

Today I want to share different herbs and resins you can use instead of white Sage and Palo Santo for your smudging ritual with the same benefits.

Let’s start with

Rosemary: cleanses space and aura. Great for new beginning.

Mugwort: cleanses dense energies and creates a relax and dreamy state.

Juniper: cleanses and uplifts space

Cedar: grounding and centering, call in spirits of ancestors

Copal: This is resin with many species to connect with higher realms

Pine and Spruce Resin: cleansing and purifying as well as grounding

Burning herbs that are aromatic have been done since ancient times, invoking sacredness and connection to Spirit. Depending on what your intention is when burning these plants you are able to connect with the spirit of the blessing plant you are smudging with.

Any ritual that you start always starts with intention. As you feel call to the energetics of any of the plants mention about I encourage you to welcome their spirit and message are you proceed with your desire ritual or let this be your sole intent, connecting with the blessing herbs.

Stay tune for the weekly share so you can learn more about spiritual herbalism and many more plants and rituals with them.

Which smudge do you use for your rituals?

Karinee Lopez2 Comments