The Rite of the Womb

When I first found out about the Rite of the Womb I was in a very dark place emotionally and spiritually because I had just found out that the endometriosis was back even after having a hysterectomy. I remember that I kept asking “why me?, why this again? I had tried everything I could possibly do already (so I thought)” I was very discouraged. In order to get my mind off how was feeling and to somehow find some sort of spiritual guidance I picked up the book Rise Sister Rise. I had been reading the book for a while but always left it midways and that day after the book sitting for months on my night table I decided to pick it up and read. The author Rebecca Campbell continues to share how she has used her cycle as a teacher and self-development tool as well as her discontent with the poorly educated we are as women in the modern world about our cycle but what struck me the most was when she shared her struggle with endometriosis. I couldn’t believe what I was reading! I felt as if it was a sign, as being guided to an important message. I couldn’t wait to finish the chapter and see what it was to be said. I was fascinated by her story.  In this chapter, she shared about a ritual that started her on her healing journey of this condition and connecting with her cycle and her womb wisdom on a much deeper level. This ritual is known as The Rite of the Womb which is the 13th rite of the Munay-Ki. This rite was passed down to a shaman called Marcela Lobos from the women of the Amazon tribe called the Munay-Ki. This lineage of women has freed itself from suffering and they want us to remember this:

‘The womb is not a place to store fear and pain. The womb is a place to create and give birth to life.’

When I read this I knew I had to find out someone that could share this rite with me. I went to and booked the ceremony with a local wombkeeper to receive the rite. This rite helped me heal the spiritual and emotional connection with my womb space, it helped me assure that my womb was not a place to store fear and especially not a place to store pain. Because of the effect it had on me and my healing journey with endometriosis, I offer this rite for the women that come to me and that would like to receive the blessing.  If you feel called to receive this blessing, don’t hesitate to reach out. From endo sister to endo sister you won’t be disappointed. 



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