Tending to Your Heart Ritual

As I sat down to meditate on what I should share today, I had a vision of a heart. It is very fitting to work with the heart given the information I shared on my blog post last week.

Physically, our heart is responsible of pumping blood into our body helping deliver nutrients to our cells. Emotionally, our heart is considered to be the center of our emotions. Our heart is affected during the grieving process. Not only the physical heart but our emotional heart as well. During grieving process our heart feels heavy and often times is described as broken because of the pain it’s felt.

Energetically, the heart chakra is the 4th chakra which represents the chakra of bringing to balance, to state of harmony. The heart chakra is what brings us to center in the middle of the 7 energetic centers.

Today I want to share a ritual and herbs to tend to our heart, not only during grieving times, but for times when we feel sad, anxious, and for times when our physical heart calls for it (i.e if you suffer from blood pressure).

Herbs to tend to our heart are:

  • Cacao- known for being a heart opener, master plant working with the heart in all aspects, physically, emotionally and energetically.

  • Hibiscus- rich in antioxidant, uplifting energy helping reduce the systolic blood pressure.

  • Hawthorn- fights oxidative stress, calming the heart and nerves.

  • Rose- energetically rose reminds us to enjoy life with aroma and beauty.

  • Motherwort- known for its spiritual and energetic benefits to the heart of relaxing both nerves and heart.

Ritual to tend to the heart:

  1. Create an altar especially for the heart with items that fills you with joy.

  2. Given the list of the plants shared pick one or two that calls you.

  3. Make an infusion tea with the plants you have chosen.

  4. As you drink your tea take deep breath in and out.

  5. Say this affirmation to yourself 3 times.

    May I be safe and happy

    May I be loved

    May I be at peace

  6. As you say this affirmation breath in and feel it within your heart, as your heart saying it.

  7. Continue to drink your “Tending to Your Heart Tea” and when you are done, journal how you feel.

The combination of plant and loving tender affirmations makes this ritual perfect to tend to our heart during difficult times.

Let me know any insights you may have from trying this ritual.




I am not a doctor and the information shared is not intended to treat or cure any condition. If you are going through the lost of a loved one and feel that identify with any of the stages shared please consult a Mental Health professional.

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